Karen de Klerk FCA, CA(SA), Partner

Karen has 20 years experience as a forensic accountant and is also a founding member of Tempest.  She worked for 10 years at KPMG (audit and forensic) before spending a year in industry at a telecoms business, returning to forensic accounting with Grant Thornton where she worked for 6 years before setting up Tempest with Geoff and Caroline in 2013.

She is experienced in commercial litigation matters, including loss calculations, professional negligence and also specialises in fraud investigations and fraud risk mitigation.

Outside of work, Karen has a keen interest in sport.  She has completed a number of ultra-distance running events such as the Greenman ultra and Tour de Tirol and has also completed a number of Ironman triathlons.

Please contact us for a copy of Karen’s full CV.

T: +44(0) 117 379 0253
M: +44(0) 7733 452033

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