
We conduct financial investigations to identify and quantify incidents of fraud and advise clients how to minimise their exposure to the risk of fraud.

Instructed Expert

We could be instructed as a named expert and prepare a CPR 35 compliant report for the Court.  Our named experts have extensive experience of giving evidence in the High Court, County Court and Crown Court.

Advisory services

When instructed as advisor we have prepared both not-for-disclosure and disclosable letters and reports which include detailed financial analysis and clear supporting evidence of our investigations.  The advisory letters and reports assist our clients to negotiate a settlement.  If negotiations fail and the matter proceeds to litigation we can also act as accountancy expert should we be so instructed.

Fraud investigations

We provide assistance in the investigation of fraud, accounting ‘black holes’, regulatory breaches, employee misconduct and other financial crime.  We also assist with investigating and resolving issues or internal reviews, whether these be complex, contentious disputes or employee matters.

Anti-corruption and Money Laundering

We can assist with all aspects of anti-bribery, from developing policies and procedures to investigating bribery risk and exposure and advising on remedial action.  We can also assist clients to develop protocols to reduce the risk of money laundering through their business

In the event of suspected of money laundering we can trace money flows, both back to source and the ultimate use thereof.


We assist prosecuting authorities investigate allegations of fraud and other economic crime.  We also undertake work for defence solicitors whose clients face charges of financial and/or professional wrongdoing and confiscation proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act.  More details of our Criminal work can be found here.

Other services
Preliminary reviews

When instructed during the early stages we work with our clients, through a preliminary review of documents, to identify the most significant aspects of the case and to highlight key areas for further investigation or key documents that should be requested. 

Bank account analysis

We draw on our experience of undertaking criminal defence and prosecution work to summarise bank account receipts and expenditure.  This experience is transferrable to our fraud investigation work where we trace the source of banking deposits and expenditure and trace misappropriated funds.

Training and lectures

Drawing on our experience of fraud investigations we are able to offer fraud risk mitigation training and develop and implement fraud prevention measures to help mitigate the risk of businesses being targeted by economic crime.

Geoff is Vice-chairman of the Wales Fraud Forum.

Geoff Mesher FCA, MAE: +44(0) 117 379 0250
+44(0) 7770 633825
Karen de Klerk ACA, CA(SA): +44(0) 117 379 0253
+44(0) 7733 452033
Richard Frost FCA: +44(0) 117 379 0252
+44(0) 7432 493451